Thursday, January 19, 2012

A 75-Day Guilt Trip

 Disclaimer: This piece was written in the summer vacation, but uploaded during winter time. Cuz Barack Obama wouldn't let me make a Blogger account back then. Not at least during summer.
What’s good, folks? I come up with my 3rd piece, written on, err, on the back of a notepad.You see, basically, I write on anything which will accept ink from a pen or a quill, like sandpaper, banknotes, and even lottery coupons. Technically, it’s the 43rdpiece I’ve penned so far, counting by hand from the shoebox I like to keep my shit in.

Okay, so it’s summer vacation! Yay?! When the vacation hadn’t started yet, everything so cramped. You didn’t actually have the time to nail your lady. And naturally so, none of us could wait for summer vacation to rush in. But guys, I’ll give you God’s honest truth. For me, summer vacations have always been 2 and a half months of a trip packed with, not fun and games, but guilt and remorse. And like I said before, summer vacations are never the way I ever thought them to be. Matter fact, you actually get to see your mates less often, since everybody’s indoors trying to win the title of some sort of sleeping competition. You had the chance to meet up and smoke weed on normal schooldays. Geezur, I miss them. And let me tell you man, every summer, I repeat, every fucking summer, there has to be something which is bound to crush all your fun planned for the vacation, well, at least that’s the way it is for me. You see, last year, our family planned to fly back home, which would’ve been fun since I’ve got 2.5tonnes of friends there. But the thing is, at the last minute, mom got fell ill, diagnosed with something something, and was rushed to the hospital. Which all brings an end to all plans and shatters my ideas of having fun when we got there. FML. But hold up, I haven’t got the sweetest part, yet. Catch is, something shattered our plans to fly to BD this year- yet again. Keep thinking, I’ll be back with a beer.

Sluuuuurp, back! Time to know what happened this year. Well, last August, on Eid, my chick best friend decided to meet up. I know, “meet up” doesn’t sound all fancy for a speciazl occasion or festival, but since we both reside here in Riyadh, K.SA., the whole boy-girl tiring issues are a bit, not a bit, very difficult with innumerous cops on the lookout. Word goes, you’re spotted with your lady, and you’re fucked for life. I ain’t kidding, this shit happens for real all the fucking time. Anyways, back to the story. So, on my way to meet her, I dropped my National ID, which I realized after I’ve been hanging out for like 15 minutes. I tried looking for it, but considering all the modes of transportation here in Riyadh, the probability narrows it down 55,000 cabs. And that digit right there, made me give up on my search. So, I applied for a new National ID.

Conclusion is, I haven’t received my new ID, yet. And so, I’m rendered sort of “illegal”. Whenever I inquire about the progress, they keep telling me that it’s in process. What I’ve gathered so far about their meaning of the word “process”, is that they’ll start off by taking in all of your basic details and tell you that they’d be done in “less than two weeks.” But what they really mean is that, since you’re no citizen or a Saudi, you ain’t getting Jack Squat till 6 whole months. And by Squat, they mean Diddly Squat. And all of this puts things in a way that I might have to stay undercover for the time being. The “undercover” bit somehow sounds cool to my 14-year old sibling.

Okay, at the moment, I feel like letting it all up. I partially blame it on the excessive tequila shots from last night. But it’s all good now, since I’m listrning to “Apologize” by OneRepublic and Timbaland. One of my all time favourites. And believe it or not, this morning, I woke up only cuz Dad dragged my head out of the keyboard, since that is where my head lay resting for the entire night, and that too without my conscious knowledge. You see, the bad part is that I haven’t hit the bed, where all the “magic” goes down, yet, is cuz I’ve got this invitation to a stupid ass party. Even worse, they’ve got swimming at the party, which means that, the dudes I’ll even know there will be half-naked, trying and failing their backflips and shit. Truth be told, I’m already high on the rush of adrenaline since I can feel the fear of swimming kicking at my scrotum. Let’s hate on them, swimmers.

But at the end of the day, when it all goes down, you may be able to swim on water, or as Basshunter has it, walk on water, but my man Chuck Norris, he can swim on land.
True fucking story, and I'm not kidding.
See you guys later, yo. Marzoukeh, out.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Cuz that's just how we roll.

Readers, I have no idea why I did this, even though I have 7 Edexcel exams coming up this week. Maybe, this is just how I study.

Hey there! I assume that you’re here with the mere intention to be like me or umm, somewhat close to me. Cuz, becoming someone like me is considered impossible. Even mathematically. I’d like to see the math, but man, numbers don’t lie, so yeah. Excuse me for not being nice, but I’m spitting out facts here, but if you’re one of those light-minded people, I’m sorry to point out the fact that you’re an idiot.

Fact is, we’re both human. Not like I’m superhuman or something but you the only difference between us? I’m awesome and you’re not. And that can create a hell lot of differences. I-KNOW-RIGHT!

So, basically, my blog goes by the name of “Diary of a Troubled Teenager” That’s the URL as well for all those tech-geeks out there. Hold on a sec, does that name sound too dramatic? I'll leave that to you. Moving further, they say they’d love to know about me. I dont consider myself lucky for that. It just keeps me on my tight schedule. Sheesh, all the media fuss. Too much paparazzi these days. Trust me man, too much of it can grow to be a problem. For starters, these media people will have cams sticking around day and night within 8 miles of the bungalow you reside in. Well, being specific, the bungalow I reside in. Cuz I really don’t know where you live. Aaaanyhow, I don’t think there’s much to know to know about me except the obvious fact that I’m awesome. To a crazy extent. If this seems suspicious to any cunning fox reading this piece of article, ask him/her/it to Google me. You actually do that, no kidding here.  Type in my name in the search box and you got it. I’ll all over the world.

Oh have I told you about my entourage? They’re equally as awesome. Technically, the only reason they CAN be considered awesome is only due to the reason is cuz they’re MY entourage. Shit, I haven’t even got to try to shine. Kay, idk why but let me just give you a basic idea of what my entourage is like. Ah, who am I kidding? They’re just friends.

 Dammit. These stuff keep rolling in. Seriously, I don’t know from where. Okay, maybe cuz we’re the S.H.I.T. Yea, that’s the source with the highest probability.

Well, to be honest, I think one of the reasons that make us awesome is the fact that we all are moderate perverts. . Well, “we”, in this context, refers to just the few of us guys, no not even all the people tagged here.
And get this guys- Girls love perverts. No, I’mnot mistaken. Well, not all girls love perverts and not all perverts are loved. And if the both sexes think alike. As the saying goes- “Great minds think alike”. That’s why we call it moderate. Not the extent where is goes like “I’ll shove a toothpick up your ass, take it out and that’ll be my lollipop for the day!” Eww!
Okay, back to pervert-ism. Yes, no such thing exists in the world of vocabulary given to us by shitty bearded people like Shakespeare and his kind. I’ll make my own words, my own superlatives and I don’t give a rat’s ass if you have a blank face upon hearing these.

Well, this thing called pervert-ism was aimed at people like us. And hence people around us get a tinge of it which may eventually give birth to people who may be absolute nerds but have a copy of the latest porno in the nearest drawer. Silent, yet deadly. If you’re over 12 years of age, you should know how this proverb applies to this context.

Like I said before, the variety of people around us results in the outcome of people with a greater and of course, shocking variation. How do I know? Well, trust me, I’ve found porn in a guy’s cell phone whom I’ve least suspected to have being a regular porn-watcher. And the comeback he’s got? “I downloaded it for you”. Yeaah raiite shithead, why don’t you just admit it that you used it last night?
On the other hand, I’ve got friends like AxmonsFucker, yeah Sadman, that is. For instance, if I go like….

Me: Sadman, gimme your phone for a sec.
Sadman: Dude wait. Im downloading porn.
See? That’s the difference.

Furthermore, I’ve got friends like Rumman, who stated the following rule:
“Any guy who doesn’t watch porn is gay”

Well, I still haven’t made up my mind if I agree to his rule or not.
Simultaneously, his cousin, Sofia…

-We’re on the phone-
Me: KSA te toh porn sites blocked! =\
Sofia: Seriously, how do you live there?
Sofia: I mean, a country that doesn’t allow porn-_-
Me: Ikr, irony of fate.

Well, I decided to change the topic before I get own’d.

Okay, I think I gotta get rid of this topic concerning porn and pervert-ism. For real. And get this- My point is not that anyone who watches porn is cool or something.
You have no idea in what many ways people can take this stuff I wrote =\                         


Moving further, people around me, like, the ones I literally have fun with can be really fucked up at times.
On a side note, they’re random, crazy and fun.

When I said they can be fucked up, they get mixed up with words and shit. On one occasion, we’re talking about the commonest topic within us- chics. Atm, the chic referred to here, is Ruq.

Me: OMG, did u see how Ruq changed?
Ifte: Neah, what happened?
Me: Well, she kinda became hawter.
Me: Thinner, as well.
Naeem: No dude, she became thinner and chubbier.
Me: Uhh, man. How is that supposed to make sense?
Ifte and Addy: HAHAHAHA ^^

Moreover, at times, while in the midst of a conversation, they reply with exact opposite answer. They realize what they’ve been saying after about 5 seconds. No, I don’t wear a watch to school.
-while talking about Neemo’s age-
Ifte: Naeem’s like 14.
Amir: Are you kidding me?
Ifte: Yes, Naeem’s 14.
Amir: Are you kidding me?
Ifte: Yes.

-on the commonest topic, chics that is-
Addy: I only talk to single girls.
Me: Umm, Sadia’s single?
Addy: Yeah
Me: What? Sadia’s single? =|
Addy: Yeah.

See what I meant when I said they reply with the exact opposite answer?

Well, let me give you a shot of their biting sarcasm.

Me: Sope, do I mail the vids right away?
Urmi: Neah.
Me: Then, when should I send them?
Urmi: The day I become pregnant.

Moving on…

-A convo on MSN between Tansif and Ifte, about chicks, duu-uhh! An no idint go thru their chat logs. Ifte narrated em!-

Ifte: Dude, gimme chicks!
Tansif: I don't have any.
Ifte: C’mon, you're close to alotta chicks.
Ifte: Even Kumo’s in love with you.
Tansif: Dude, we’re talking about girls here, not guys! -.-
Ifte: LOL!

Man, after all this banter, I’m like super tired now. And as you all know, I’m pretty much the awesome-est person you people have ever laid your eyes on cuz the Lord’s blessing leave me at the best advantages. Therefore, I don’t think none deserves a break at the moment more than me, so yeah, I’ll think I’ll stop here. SeeYa! 
