Monday, May 28, 2012

Memory Lane. 1/4


Long sigh of relief. Wanna know why? It’s cuz of the fact that I’ve been waiting forever for this moment. Nothing so special about it, it’s just that, what I resolute to do, is gonna take a while, and a whole lot of patience, which I dangerously lack. Right, let me spill the beans. Thing is, I’ve always wanted to write about my early years at BISES, the first memories that still remain etched on my mind, the first friends I’ve made, first rules I’ve broken, all that "first" crap. I know, saying “first rules I’ve broken” makes me sound downright outrageous, but trust me, it was a long way till I’ve gone that way. I don’t know if you’re gonna believe this, but this very person, somehow managed to turn two precious years of his life during which he turned into a complete nerd. I know, unbelievable. Anyways, this note is pretty big, with this being just first part of a total of four, so don’t be a bitch about it. And it is for your very convenience, that I’ve decided to break it up into like, 4 parts, and manage to fit my whole 12 years of schooling in it.

Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the beginning to a story that is dragged forward to 12 whole years. And, well there’s nothing much I can put up for an intro, so I’ll just be on with it.

One fine morning, around 12 years ago, I walked in into a building they call BISES, accompanied by my parents. The very first that I saw, was this big ass field, which at that time, was the same size as Santiago Bernabeu to me. Little did I know, that this is where I was destined to be locked in, sketching the canvas of the 12 most beautiful years of my life. As I write, my finals of my 12th year are on the go- which puts things in a way, that, right after I'm done with my exams, I graduate.

Year 1: I don’t remember much of this one, since it was my first year. But anyhow, I’ll try racking out whatever I have. For starters, this year was plain boring. Thing is, being a bitch ran in my blood at all times, but if you’re stuck with a bunch of dudes you barely know, then it’s gonna be pretty hard trying to get on with your plans. Plus, being the only black dude in the class was not as easy as I thought it’d be, so I faced some initial racism. As time went by- it dragged the racism along with it, so it faded off. I guess the people around started being nice to me, or maybe they’ve matured. Or, they might’ve learned that black people can kill. Personally, I like to think that it’s the third cause. To add up to all these- I hated the girls that were in our class. Like, trust me man, they were so full of shit, I wished to God that he gave me a .50 BMG. Soon as He would do that, I would start shooting these motherfuckers in their faces.

I feel you, Bro.

Year 2: The day I enrolled into year 2, I walked into a room full of kids I've never laid my eyes on. I was sort of late for class, so I received some random eye-balling. And then, I saw this one guy- Tariq. We've practically known each other since childbirth, but we weren't really friends since it was just a year after we've learnt to lead life without the help of diapers. Anyways, Tariq had an empty seat beside him, and even before you knew it, Marzouk had found his spot. So, I sat my ass down, and start talking to him. I discover that he's a pervert, which was excellent news to me. It told me that I wasn't gonna have a lot of problems in fitting in. And believe, we would talk so much, even the bitches would get jealous, since there's isn't anyone who could talk more than them bitches. Today, it's probably habits and hobbies that have put Tariq and me on different walks of life, but I solemnly swear, that I will always remember this guy as the first "fun" person I met.

 It's always been like this- with Tariq.

And then, there was this lanky white dude whom I noticed was noticing me. They called him Sadman. Man, who would have known, that this guy, would become an amazing friend of mine in the years to come? But anyways, this Sadman dude comes up to me after about a half hour, tells me I'm the real deal, and that I'm the guy he's looking for. Man, I should've known- this motherfucker knew exactly the right buttons to push. 
Soon as he said all that, he put his hand in front of me in order to shake it- the same way Draco Malfoy put his hand forward in Harry Potter and ThePS, for Harry to shake it. Though Harry didn't shake Malfoy's hand, I shook Sadman's.

And THAT, is how I ended up being friends with Sadman, and Tariq.

Year 3: One of the best childhood years, ever. Like, evar! Sadman, Tariq, and I have become awesome friends. Speaking from a teacher's perspective, we were the bad and naughty elements of the class. The way I see it, we weren't "bad", as they've rendered us to be. But, "naughty"? Err, yeah. Can't help you there. The Creator must've poured hormones in excessively or something. It's cuz I was introduced to porn, and chicks, and all that shit by my friends, and I've started to pick up new swear words left and right. One of the best things to happen in year 3, was that, we got a super-friendly, drop dead gorgeous homeroom. She was the yummiest material in all BISES. If you beg to differ, you can either agree with me, or be wrong yourself. Furthermore, everyone was trying their best to get a piece of it. And get this- she would wear translucent skirts to class, and had a tattoo (of my name) on her thigh or someplace. And duhh, had umm awesome boobs. But sadly, the only place where I get to touch breasts is a KFC bucket. Now that I'm pretty grown up- I wonder if that teacher had a trans-stamp on her. Man, shit was so much easier back then. You didn't have to worry about grades, chicks, friends, wet dreams. -_- But there was a catch to all of this, even though there wasn't much to worry about, at an age like that, I was bound to listen to everything my parents would say.  That was until I turn 18. To give you a clear explanation of what I felt like at that time, I'll hit you guys up with a pic.

A picture is worth a million words. Definitely.

Later that year, we learn that Sadman's bailing out on us- more like moving out of town. And that too, for good. Tariq and I didn't cry our hearts out, slit our wrists, write songs about death, or anything like that, but, we were just in a lower state of happiness. Come on, we were third graders. Hell, we didn't even bid Sadman farewell. But from I could tell, it wouldn't be the same without him. I don't care if we were just third graders, it just wouldn't have been the same, without one of us moving out.

Man, I tell you, when I was in 3rd grade, I've met the weirdest people in my life. These people were so fucking weird- they made algebra seem normal. To be honest, I just remember three of these weird ass kids. And get this- they were ALL girls. To start off, I choose this girl called uhh, excuse me on this one, but I'll have to go forward without mentioning this girl's name. This is due to fact, that I'm gonna tell you people about this lady is something that she might take offence to.

Moving on. So, this girl, when she was with us in the third grade (I'm still not sure if this was in the second or third grade. -_-), kicked a door, and well, it fell flat to the ground. Like, boom! From that day onwards, Sadman and I chose a very suitable nickname for her- The Undertaker. Who's got enough muscle power to do something like that, at this age, man? Now that I come to think of it, it's steroids, man. I tell you.

Cuz, if it wasn't for drugs, I don't think there was any scientific explanation for such immense muscle power. It's okay, though. She was always weird. This girl, as it is later seen, becomes a sex bomb in her tenth/eleventh year, and then in the twelfth year, somehow manages to look like a potato. I don't how she did it, but I'm telling you man, that's what it turned out to be like.

Right, I think I'm done here with the first one. Moving onto this Asian chick, called Asma.

Okay, so this Asma, as they called her, was Chinese. Or Japanese/Korean/Philipino. It's all the same, man. No joke. I wonder how she would read stuff with those small squinty eyes. One of the habits this girl had, was that she would always suck on a lollipop. Practice makes you perfect- and she was doing it the right way. Anyhow, this Asian girl was pretty cute. And trust on this one, but I've always known that she would grow up to one helluva goddess. Plus, I sincerely hope with all my heart that she's still kept up with that lollipop habit of her's. Would be of great use now, honestly. She was nice and all, friendly, fun to talk to, but there's this one thing which would always put me off in being friends with her. Catch is, although she was Chinese, or Japanese, or idkwut, what she'd bring as her lunch was, well, uhh, rice and lentil. Not kidding, Bro. I'm serious. That's exactly what her lunch would be on a daily-fucking-basis. I was expecting her to get, like, I don't know man, noodles or something. Now that I think of it, I never saw chopsticks on her, either. Not that chopsticks could be used to eat rice and lentils, bit I'm just sayyin'.

Other than that, she wasn't all that bad. I hope she's doing well, as I write. 

Alright, so I'm finally starting to pull on the closing threads. Just this last one to go, and I'm done. It's this girl- Nafisa. She, was one heck of an attention whore. She would get down to the limits of crying, just to pull people towards her. And you know, no matter how bad of a person you are, or how hard that rock is where you heart is supposed to be, but when you see a girl crying, you will melt like butter on hot toast. Basically put, you'll easily fall for it. I mean, come on, it looks freaking adorable. But let me tell you, this Nafisa woman- she was an exception.  She wouldn't look a tad bit adorable, which is why she would fail to receive any attention- atleast from me. The picture below portrays me doing what exactly I would every time she'd cry:

True Story.

I mean, she did receive attention, but not from me, and that's the only one which actually mattered. (H) However, I admit though, I did give her a bit of it, when she's been begging for it with her tearstained face. Poor bloke.

Oh and one thing you should know, is that all this, was around the time when the 9/11 attacks had taken place, and even though a year had passed since the disaster, people still thought of flights as suicide, and air travel was still scary as fuck. Okay, so anyhow, when this girl got everybody's attention, she would start praying to God, and everybody would join in. Remember Asma, the Asian chick I told you about? Believe me, man, she would keep sucking her lollipop, and join the prayer. And she, was the main reason of why I kept losing concentration half the time. Whaever, when the prayer would start, most of us often got strartled. This was due to the fact, that us, normal people, if we wanted to pray to God for giving our parents a better life- we would pray "Oh Lord, bless our parents with healthy, beautiful lives. Amen."

But no, Nafisa wasn't on that hype. What she would pray to God, is: "Oh God, don't kill my parents in a plane crash." No, I'm fucking serious. That's what she would pray. I'm guessing that the 9/11 attack must've freaked her out pretty bad. Plus, look at how she does things- starts off with attention whoring, ends up at praying. I know, weird.

Since I was always a nice guy, I decided to get her a cake on her birthday. I mean, I didn't know what her birthday was, but I asked one of her friends, Warda (who also was weird material.), and she told me. I also got a pretty cool design for the cake. And believe me, I thought it up all. Here's a pic of what it looked like:

Am I not just awesome?

Yeah, I think I'm done racking out whatever I have. Trust me, there were freaks everywhere, and I, along with my one other friend, was in the middle of all of it.

Such was my life till the third grade.

Okay, so I'll pause for now, cuz I bet I've bored the fuck out of your cranium. If you've liked this, there's good news. Part 2 will be coming out pretty soon, watch out for it, okay?


Thursday, May 24, 2012

Random Banter.

Hey. Heyy. Heyyyyy. Hey. Heyy. Hey- No, I'm not PMS-ing, cuz I'm not gay. It's just that I lost track of the number of 'y's used to write "hey" when greeting somebody. And the picture below, is the exact reason of why something so absurd like this happened.

Awesomeness Level: SpongeBob. <3

Anyways, hi! I know, I know, it's been like, say around- idk man, but it's been a while since I've last blogged. Guilty as charged, Bro. You see, I've got Edexcel exams going on at the moment. And this motherfuckin' son of a bitch, Edexcel, is causing millions of teenagers like me, around the world to despair, and give up on life. But as you can see, I'm back. Man, I don't know why I'm pretending like there are tonnes of people out there who read my blog. Maybe, it's just the way I'd want it to be- I mean, if I'm going to do something, I'm going to do it big. And my closest shot at going big, is when this Paki chick, who's a fellow blogger, told me that my blog's pretty good stuff. But anyhow, I'm telling you man, and mark my words, there shall dawn a day, when Barack Obama shall visit my blog on a regular basis, for his daily source of recreation, and even the Bavarian Illuminati, for their daily source of, well, enlightenment? Err, sorry, I think I got a bit too carried away. Happens to me all the time, no biggie.

But, if I come to think of it for real, I wouldn't really care about the popularity of my blog. If it's known around- all the better, and, if it's not, well, it's nothing to commit suicide about. But nonetheless, I will keep updating my blog with all the shit that happens in my daily life. And if I were to speak up my mind, most of these thoughts are thought up by me, when I go to school, and come back via bus. Earphones stuck in, my mind won't just stop whizzing. More like I got used to it.

No arguments there.

Okay, so I'm like really sleepy, and would really be really thankful if you'd grab me some caffeine. Although, I highly doubt the possibility of that happening, since right now, you're at your PC, or on your smartphone, reading my junk, and wondering how boring my life is atm to be writing such stuff. Well, let me tell you- the past two days, were pretty somber. I wrote an exam two days ago, and ever since then, I've deciding which paper to study for, next, without any success. Cuz, you see, thre are a lot of issues which completely annihilate my interest in studies- the little amount I have of it. Plus, there isn't any possible route to ditch exams. Had there been one, believe me, I would've definitely been the first one to go that way. It's a lot of pressure, man. Studying, the need to do well, and oh well, now I can see all the university issues slowly creeping in from around the corner.

I'm starved of good food, and cocaine. The only good thing that has happened today is that I got a text from this girl I reaaaaaally like, when I least expected it. Yeah, that's about it.
Besides that, everything I heard, saw, or did today, was straight up bullshit. Y'know, this other day, I actually got so bored, I took out my Playstation 2, which had like, say about, one inch of dust on it. Nevertheless, I started playing FIFA 11. After defeating Barca 3-0 (Madrid fan, here), on Pro Level, let's just say, my mood lifted. This is what my daily life is like, these days. Productivity Level=Nil.


I didn't know what to do as I was writing this post, so I decided to check out some information about where I might go to study, and what my subject might be. Being honest with you guys, I don't if I'm ready to go to some faraway place at this stage in life. Plus, I'm kinda young. Like, I'm gonna miss out on family, friends and the amazing food of KSA. So, I made up a list of places where I'd like to go right after I'm done with A2. And, I'm not gonna lie, but to any people out there being all enthusiastic about leaving this place asap, my list is gonna look like shit. Like all this wasn't enough for the timebeing- I got into a fight with my mom concerning the degree I'll pursue at university- She wants me to do meds, I say otherwise.

Hey, hold up- I'll get some Doritos, and a can of Code Red, cuz like I said, I'm starving. I'll hook you guys up with a song which I got hooked to recently. It's Punjabi RnB, don't underestimate, though! It's pretty good stuff, I tell you.

Brown Rang- Honey Singh <3

Right, back. Man, I'm just waiting for the day I turn famous, and all the junk I've quilled my "masterpieces" on, is gonna start rolling in for billions.

You see, I've always wanted to be a writer. The only reason which stops me to pursue my dream to be one, is the fact that I'm Asian. And let me tell you- Asian society is like worst shit there can possibly be. Thing is, all adults in this Asian society of ours cannot be considered to be successful, unless they have become a doctor, ad engineer, or a lawyer. So if I do grow up to be a writer, in the eyes of my society, I'm no better than a maid. I was told that everyone should always follow their dreams, do what they're best at. But, sad story, the Asians killed it for me.

Since I've figured out that I'm not gonna too far with this writer hype, I opened up this blog this year. So that I could blog for fun, or when I would need to scream something out loud.

Simply put, my blog is my voice.

Anyways, man. I gotta run. I need some sleep, and then maybe study a bit. Physics 4 is a pain in the ass. It's not like, I'm gonna study on full throttle, but I'll still be at the table, right? I waste too much time on random shit, and daydreaming.

Story of my life.

And, make sure you let me know if you've liked the song I gave you guys.

Later, then! Peace.