Monday, September 10, 2012

Random Life Update

Okay, so it may have seemed I’ve given up blogging. But, in all honesty, that may have not been the case. It’s just that, as many of you may know, I graduated, and thus moved back to Dhaka, in order to go abroad again for university. Well, now it seems that the university plans have crashed, and shatter my plans and such, so I came back to maintaining my blog, in order to pass some time. Cause let’s face it- Life in Dhaka has been too hectic, atleast for me. Fact is, I don’t know how manage to pass all their lives here. Like, you need superpowers to survive this place, man!

Anyways, now that I’m back, you should’ve calculated that you’ve got a lot to catch up on. And that is if you care about my blog, which you should, cause I’m like George Clooney, only better. No shit.

So, like I was saying, ever since grad, I’ve been laying out my entire university plans just to make sure that everything goes with the flow. But aah, I got rejected for my VISA to enter the UK, for a reason that only God knows. However, as I write, I’m doing a lot better, than I was doing 3 days ago, y’know, getting over it. I mean, come on, how does it feel if your stepping stone to the big things faces a halt? And let me tell you, that shit was too much to handle. But then again, everyone has their own idea of how much is too much. On the up side, if what they say has any truth, I’ll survive through this. Well, that I am, only that I’ve no idea of what my next step should be, which according to me is pretty fucked up. Like I’m literally stuck between going to Riyadh again, and just staying back in Dhaka. But fear not, I plan to come up with a decision within the next week. So, plans may have changed, but dreams have not vanished. So, it’s all cool.

Moving further, I realize that I’m missing on what’s going on with you folks. So if you’re reading this, hit me up, you know how to reach me. Like, I have no idea of what you guys did on Eid. Oh, and let me tell you beforehand that my Eid sucked ass. I did nothing but sleep through the whole day. And the reason to that is cause the night before Eid, everything made this big fuss with the moon-sighting, which is a pretty big thing in BD. It's like, all the people in Dhanmondi were on our roof that night. So when I finally woke up in like the afternoon or something, I replied to all the texts wishing people back. But this texting back thing has a thing about it which I'll never forget. Like, among all the texts, I received this one text, which was like Half Bangla- Half English. And even though I'm fluent in Bangla, I did not even slightly understand what that text meant. I figured out it was one of those texts with a hidden deep shit inspirational message. Since I couldn't decipher it, I just replied wishing him "Eid Mubarak". Since Eid is supposed to be a happy day, I didn't have the heart to confront the dude who sent me the "deep" text. And that is pretty much all that went about on Eid.

Man, did I ever mention how much I miss Riyadh? I mean, starting from my own neighborhood, to the posh restaurants in Tahaliya St. Forget that, I miss my lifelong friends, the memories made there, the football played there, the jokes made there, the weed smoked there, and the women nailed there. Yes, of course, cross out the last two.

I'd do anything to go back to Riyadh. It is, indeed, the best place on Earth. <3
Okay, anyways, my days here are just, well, hectic. All these days it was just going to places to get my visa thing done, and now that I get to kick back, I don’t find things to kill time on. So, as a remedy, I stumbled upon watching Hindi movies. Yes, that might have come as a shock to some of you people, cause when it comes to me, I’ve always disliked Hindi movies because of their dramatic content, and laughed at anyone who’d say that Hindi movies aren’t as bad as we think of them to be. Well, let me tell you, they are right. When I finally turned to a bunch of Hindi comedy stuff, believe me, I was pretty pleased. And as it would turn out to be, I watched 3 Hindi movies in 2 days, moreover asked a few friends who were into Hindi stuff, for some good romantic comedy, which I dearly love. I mean, it’s like the best genre out there, if you ask me. Also, I talked to a friend about this problem I’ve been having, starting to like Hindi movies. She said it wasn’t my fault, and that is was just Bangladesh putting me on the vibe, since people worship Indian Entertainment here. Anyway, there’s this new song I recently got hooked on- It’s from the movie Anjaana Anjaani, which is a movie about two suicidal individuals falling in love. Starring my personal favorite, Priyanka Chopra, and Ranbir Kapoor. Good movie, but oh man, the song! Some of you might have heard it, but since I’ve just stumbled upon it, I think it’s worth sharing!

Hairat- Lucky Ali.

Man look at me now, I’m now into unbelievable stuff. Things I’ve never liked. The way I see it, I’ve hit the lowest of lows, or rock bottom, whichever way you wish to put it.

Adios, people!