Saturday, March 24, 2012

Blabberings of that tiny voice inside me.

On the onset of this writing, I shall recall that I still remain unaware of the reasons that may have lured me into writing such a piece. It has seen its birth when everything else seemed exceedingly surpassed its extremities of boredom, or when you’ve run out of things to preoccupy yourself/bitch about. It is when you don’t find a soulful soul online on your list, and sleep doesn’t drag your eyelids down, or even when David Guetta can’t make you nod to his music, although I think that it is highly impossible.

At the moment, that is what best describes me.

Anyway, point is, this is when I tend to write stuff, concerning random things and give the people around me some thought. And THAT, is what I gravely suspect in having to do something in me writing shit like this.
Throughout this piece, you may often find yourself in the infinite mazes of religion, and would make you speculate that I could be this dude with an increased endeavor for religion and philosophy. But I’ll just be honest, fact is, I’m just your average guy who doesn’t like to think much save certain circumstances. Truth be told, duly praying 4 prayers out of the daily 5, these are my consistent shots at religion, which puts things in a height that I’m probably considered as one far off from religion. And like I’ve said it before, I don’t think much, leaving behind the times when I’ve drowned in my pointless ecstasies, plus I blabber a freaking lot, so yeah.

But anyways, on with it.

Homo Sapiens. Or as anyone under the Islamic belief would have it, the living being with the greatest supremacy in all creation.
Today, if ever our typical guy ignited to ponder over our qualities, he is to be appalled in a sure fire way. Our creation has a tinge of excellence about it, and it is that factor that has counted for in gaining us a title meant to last for the rest of eternity.

As I broke into adolescence, I can still remember my religious mentor telling me that the Devil has the higher power, which leaves us humans at a woeful disadvantage. “This whack job has got to be some kinda serial killer”, is what popped into my mind that instant. Today, after half a decade late, I have become compulsive in giving it a thought. After a bit of contemporary thinking, I realize the reason that is to blamed for the greater part of the tragedies that overtook us human: Sin.
The world has seen countless of her residents being sold to grievous acts, and at disastrous extents, to the deadly sins. We have been made literate to reach the pinnacle of success and glory, which in turn made us ignore our roots an pay no heed to the One who has shaped you. Not much of a mystery in it.
You see, there is a fine line between knowledge and mistake. This is where sanity is bought into the picture. To my mind, sin is a product of a collaboration of knowledge and plain ignorance. It is no unavoidable pitfall.
What value does sanity and good morale hold in a world that can no longer be pronounced sane? The day the last human with the minutest speck of sanity is wiped off the face of the Earth, that day onwards, the world will set off on a journey transforming herself to an absolute pandemonium of a sort that leaves her beyond repair and rectification.

You know, the way I see it, God has not failed in feeding man with intellect, an element he has always longed for. It is with this intellect that he has managed to turn this place into something with the potential of a vicious warzone. Given the fact that many men result in a pool of thoughts and ideas, the Earth, can be at times more ruthless than the battlefield where the Spartans made their last stand. The gift of intellect from high above has enabled man to do wonders. He has build structures that exhibit an artistic touch of perfection, and also made vehicles that can speed up from 0 to Holy Crap! In 4.5 seconds. Result of using the gift in nothing, but in a way that was bound to produce fruitful outcomes.

God has many a time given some of us humans, intellect that is a degree or two more than the average creation. But from my perspective, in doing so, God has put us at a disadvantage. You may unravel and understand things a bit quicker and better, but the better you understand them, the more complicated they become, and eventually making him unhappier despite his current despairs. More importantly, we are blindfold on this carriage ride they call life, for our minds and hearts are not ever enlightened of what tomorrow shall bring. So, point is, increased intellect meant to be beneficial to us, may backfire and deteriorate humans.

"We spent half our lives educating ourselves only to destroy the remaining half of it."                            
                                                                               -Albert Einstein
As for when the Hour shall finally dawn, man will be called for questioning on the subject of his deeds and about the pathways in which, good or bad, his intellect has seen its expenditure. Soon after, he will be bought into complete ownership of his memoirs from the perspective of a Higher Power. It is this piece that he has been summoned to beautify in the course of his life on Earth, but falling prey to the insanities of life, fails in doing so. So, as long along with what my man, Michelangelo said,

Accounts of accomplices and partners will then be bought to the boil, and by doing so, into the story. We humans will then be disabled from blaming insanity that has persisted on Earth since the beginning of time. The reason behind the ban, is merely the fact that worldly insanity, being an element in favor of the force that is of no good, and is but, man’s own creation. It would have not found its way into Earth through rather subtle and unnatural forms, but instead, has made its entrance in a form not absurd to us. If one is to look at the bigger picture, it can evidently be deduced that, we are solely to be responsible for all our actions and emotions. Relations may play a part, but hey, living the life on Earth, you don’t get to choose your relations.
So yeah, you’ve come to know that the craftsmen who have transformed the Earth into a pace of mass devastation is man, himself.

The way I’ve got it, God has placed His greatest creation right within his sight, but has not drilled electrodes into his cranium. Point is, even though He sees into our deepest foundations, He holds no interest in controlling our actions. And as a result, man, through the decades have bought news of toil, torture, tears, and unbearable agony. Had this place been amidst His direct control, this place would've been, well, a lot more different than the way you know it. So spread the goodness, inspire, and be inspired.

We mock, we marvel. We're humans. We all are. Hi.

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Because it means something to me.