Saturday, March 24, 2012

That everlasting Fernando Torres vibe.

Soccer at BISES. While some crave it, others dread it. You fall into either of these. Cuz when it’s soccer we’re talking about, there aren’t any shades of grey.

Football, has for a long time, and is still venerated by the people, player or not. Reason? A game is a surefire method of putting some life into the crowd, providing overwhelming entertainment. But you see, the thing is, every issue has its woeful aspects. There are fights, renegades, and hell; a game can even lead to a vendetta at times. Okay, maybe I’m exaggerating things a bit.

You know, sometimes, when I’m amidst the crowd, it occurs to me that our schools can come up with some people who can truly be rendered at skilful at the art. But then again, it’s just a high school, we hardly have tourneys. Besides, these are things of just my mere speculation, cuz out here; none can tell what will happen for real. Here, crowd=madmen on crack. Scientifically speaking: ManUtd Fans + 2.5pint root beer each= BISES Audience.

Nuff said.

The noise resulting from a game is one that will match Anfield, or say Stamford Bridge, for instance. This might make one wonder about moments where someone misses a shot and others swear that they could’ve scored that. Well, truth is, a lot of them happen, yeah, and oh, the jeering, mocking, and bitchery that follows! What’s more important, one may develop the affinity to be kicked out of a team. Cruel. Cruel is that crowd.

Ever since the ManUtd v Chelsea match at Old Trafford, uh na wait, it’s even better when one recalls it as Tansif’s birthday, or whatever, point is- the day the world has seen Fernando Torres’s inability to drill the ball into an empty goalpost. Yes, I’m about to spit the same shit you have in mind. I mean, come on, if you see things properly, you shall gather that science may offer complex explanations that may require human intellect higher than the average value, but this? Man, a unicorn on Viagra, sipping red grape wine ca shoot better. But anyway, the thing is, when one misses a shot, all you can hear is “Torres!!” I’ve heard that like once so far. Dammit, shouldn’t have let it out. But oh well, it all started with the really unbelievable misses, but then slowly as they may, the vicious crowd upped the ante by jeering and not taking into account the two buff defenders guarding the post. Law goes- you miss a shot, they call you Torres. Simple as that. Unless you’re Fernando Torres himself.

It can clearly be seen that the “Torres” vibe is going to last forever, become a greater nuisance. Because, believe me, I won’t run short of things that might be vexatious to someone playing a game.  Reason behind it is, once you’ve learned passing around, and eventually planting the ball in the right place, like it or not, you were long drowned into deep solitude. But on the brighter side, being solitary is really meritous and will pay off as solitary itself, is the one who cooks various transcendent moments. But I ask you to remain cautious, for reminiscing these moments may prove to be virulent to your abilities. One should only do that when he’s broken his leg or cracked his ankle- but beware, do not await it. Evil things can happen even before you can see them round the corner. In the event of a gifted player facing any of these, all shall fear a loss to the underdogs. To my mind, these are the issues that have let the common vibe seen in many people today, come to the top. If you remain unaware of it, here it goes- “Like it or not, the underdogs will come out on top.”

True to a certain extent, honestly speaking. You should believe as it is coming from one who has encountered such a situation.

Man, I feel like I really need to get down and play some. Because seeing the kids play isn’t fun, doesn’t put you in through the whole energy. But here I am, putting words in front of me, virtually, to lengthen this shit. And you gotta agree, I’m pretty novice at this. Cuz, it seems that I’m not really good at maneuvering my thoughts, which leaves us at rather a naïve metaphor.

But anyhow, squaring things up, I’m gonna let up now. The freshmen year kids are playing the sophomores, and I’m looking for… Oh look, the game has kicked off. My buddy grabs me a huge bucket of popcorn, and I gobble a handful. And just when I thought, that the sophomore forward had scored to seal a victory, I heard the crowd cry out “Torres!”
And even before you knew it, the jeering had gone on once again! 

The Fuck Is This Shit?

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