Saturday, June 16, 2012

A Very Random 50. Response to Adler Seloraz.

This is totally random. And the only reason behind this is, I.., man, I don't know how to say this. Like, I've received my first fan mail, ever. Like, ever. And this feels great. xD

Anyways, out of all the countries from where I've had blog views, Germany was the weirdest. I mean, I knew Germany existed because of Adolf Hitler (Respect, Brah.), and their women with beer. So, anyhow, I got the email from this total stranger who currently resides in Hamburg, Germany. In that mail, he actually appreciates my stuff, and wants to know more about me. I'm guessing this is what fame feels like. Jk, I'm always fabulous. At first, I thought it was some guy at the CIA trying to track me down since I'm y'know, too awesome. But anyways Bro, thanks for your mail. You have no idea how much this means to me. And now, I'll hit you up with some totally random stuff about me that you've asked for- and I sincerely hope you like it.

Oh, and for anyone out there who might be reading this, here's a screenshot of the mail.

My first fan mail. XD (Please click to enlarge)

And now, I'm on it.

x You know my name, and where I am from, so that's pointless for an intro.

x Being awesome since February '94.

x Nailed all Bangla swear words by the age of 16.

x When I was 17, I tried sniffing powdered panadol to get that coke-addict feel. I ended up puking.

x I believe that a liquid form of cocaine is sold in stores under the name of RedBull.

x When I grow up, I want to be either a writer, a comedian, or worst case scenario, a doctor concerning forensic biology.

x I've been into the same girl for 5 years now, and the worst part is yet to come- which is that, I've never told her about it completely, although I'm guessing she knows it. I'm just that pathetic.

x I am a Pisces- 24th Feb

x If I were a girl, my role model would definitely be Bonnie Clyde. May the Lord take mercy on her.

x When I was 5, I was marooned by some niggers off the coast of Cuba. I fought my way out of that place even if there were a few male lions guarding the way. Then, I took the next flight out to Riyadh, K.S.A, where I currently reside.

x When I get bored, I blog. Or, when I get bored blogging, I stalk weird people on FaceBook. Which is why I hope to God that they don't develop a software which lets you know who's visited your profile. If they do, that'll be the day I commit suicide.

x My blog has seen it's birth at the greatest extent of extreme boredom.

x I'm one of those guys who doesn't get addicted to Call of Duty, but gets addicted to Temple Run, instead.

x I'm a really nice person, but there are a few people who I find annoying by looks. They just need a high five in the face, with a shovel.

x If I'm mean to you, it doesn't mean that I'm bad at heart. Cuz, that's far off from what I actually am.

x I hope to die by crashing into a glass building while bungee-jumping.

x I hate cats as much as I hate Lil' Wayne. And, it has come to my notice that he's currently hiring mobs to murder me. Well, Wayne, hit me with your best shot. XD

x I will never date any girl who thinks that cats are "sho cute", and "sho chweet". Yes, that's true. Even if she had a size D, with blonde hair, blue eyes, and had a higher a sex drive than 60% of the the pornstars today.

x It kills me when I realise that I've got many people's backs, but very few have got mine.

x I go crazy when I'm trying to imagine what my life would've been like if I wasn't friends with my friends.

x I love people who read my blog, and I'm open to criticism of any sort.

x Anger management is probably one of the best things about me.

x I used to write poetry long back, and now I realise how weird I've been, back in the days. When I turn 20, maybe, just maybe, I'll probably delete my blog.

x I make a lot of mistakes in choosing the people I can actually trust.

x Personally speaking, I think I've hurt a few people here and there. Unintentional actions.

x The best thing I've ever heard about my writing is that someday, I may win a Pulitzer. It wasn't sarcasm. However, I'm a 110% sure that I'm not even close to even qualify for the Pulitzer.

x Worse thing I ever heard about my blog is "Who reads this stuff?" And believe me, it was one of my close friends.

x I think Dan Brown is the best write there was, is, and ever will be.

x I love Lily Aldrin, and hope to do her on my boss's table someday.

x If I were to be committing a major sin, it would definitely be lust.

x My sanity matches Frankenstein's. Should explain how things are around me.

x I'm with Germany for the Euro Cup. Although, I equally support Spain, Holland, Croatia, and Sweden. (Mainly because of their ladies.)

x Even though I'm 18 years old, I still get confused about the spelling of calendar. (Like, I'm still not sure if it's calender/calendar, lol)

x I've never washed/ironed my clothes.

x I believe that every one of us has a loner inside. And that, is probably what the topic of my next blog post will be.

x I dream wild, man. I dream wild. This one time, I dreamt that I came to this big ass party in a stretch limo wearing an Armani suit, and a Tag Heuer. The usher opened the door, and I stepped on to the red carpet. Sometime through the party I downed a bottle of JD, another of FireWhisky, and went home with dead hot twins. 4 boobs, yes. That wild.

x My celebrity crush-list is 2 and a half pages long.

x Twilight hater.

x I will perfectly fit your definition of a paranoid person.

x I am seriously flawed.

x I'm one of the guys behind the September 11 attacks. I planned it with my Bro, Bin Laden, while we would smoke joints on the mountains of the Afghan Territory. RIP, Bro. You are missed. <3

x I wonder if they actually put Bin Laden in Davy Jones's Locker.

x Right now, I miss Tariq, Amir, and Ruqaiyyah.

x Even though he's an alcoholic, a sex addict, and has got extremely bad behaviour, Russell Brand is God to me.

x I am very, very tensed about my graduation, which is like weeks away.

x I have an imaginary Polish friend called Frankie Armstrong. Frankie's a cold blooded serial killer.

x Lastly, I like pies. And cocaine.

Alright, I think I got nothing else. I mean, you cant just expect someone to go on talking about themselves. Believe me, I tried, and it was then when I realised how I little I knew of myself. And it is with regret that I say that I haven't got a grip on myself, and the life around me, yet. But I promise, I will. It just needs me to set my mind on it. But anyways, I'd like you to know that my dead Bro, Bin Laden has just texted me from his grave, asking me to do a favour that shall greatly please him. What the favour is, is something you'll get to at the end of this post.

Brb, bombing New York City, atm. Peace.


  1. 'I'm one of the guys behind the September 11 attacks. I planned it with my Bro, Bin Laden, while we would smoke joints on the mountains of the Afghan Territory. RIP, Bro. You are missed. <3'
    'Brb, bombing New York City, atm. Peace.'

    I've never come across anyone this anxiously desiring to be torn head to toe by the CIA. It was nice knowing you. Cheers, mate. xD

    P.S If you do run into Bin Laden in Davy Jones' locker, do pass my regards, and note the expressions on his face as he realizes we had some unfinished business. :P

  2. LOL Shahzad, you think the CIA reads my blog? I don't think they do. :P Or do they? e.e

    But anyways, man. It was nice knowing you, too. Keep in touch. :) And, best of luck for your future. :D

    And alright, if I do stumble upon Bin Laden, I'll let him know. ;)


Because it means something to me.