Thursday, November 22, 2012

Between Now, and Hereafter.

Hi, hello, please spare me the usual intro where I say how long it’s been, and accuse myself of irregularity. Well, guilty as charged.  If this blog was a world famous one, right now, I would have walked in on gunpoint, and would be feeling a billion eyeballs on my back. Matter of fact, I lost track of time ever since I stopped blogging. And now, honestly, it is seemingly pretty hard picking up where we left off. But nevertheless, this time, Marzoukeh has returned for good- no shit. I am not leaving this time, until death do us apart, or…someone offers me a soda, whichever comes first.

Yes, I do relate to this.
Okay, first up, let me tell you why I’ve been out for awhile now. Well, primarily, it’s not like my love for blogging has faced any tarnishes, however, I lack motivation. And believe me, I wouldn’t have been back now, if it wasn’t for this mail I received a few days ago. This amazing blogger I know, Fareeha noticed that I was far out, and buzzed me. And, THAT was some hardcore motivation, dare I say. Heck, if you ask me, I’m still having the shakes from blogging withdrawal. Visit Fareeha’s amazing blog HERE, and just so you know Fareeha, your post about your first crush has made me write about mine. However, there is no way in Hell that I’m putting it up on my blog. Here's a song for y'all to enjoy while I bore you with my banter. Oh btw, people I know, either LOVE or HATE this song. So, if you hate it, don't bite me. To me however, it is just 4 mins of genius music.

"Be students, be teachers. be politicians. be preachers. Be believers,be leaders, be astronauts, be champions, be true seekers."

Anyways, going back, I was off because, all in all, Dhaka has been a crazy roller coaster ride so far. I’ve met a buttload of people, of which some I dearly love, some of them were last seen when I as young as being breastfed, and the rest of them were “bloody dreadful”. People have been telling me of how I love my hometown with all my heart. That I do, alright. What these people miss is that, THIS place isn’t my hometown. Riyadh is home. And only the Man upstairs knows how much I miss home. On the brighter side, I have now gone through a lot of new experiences. And when I say “a lot”, I mean, a bloody lot. But, as the night falls, the city lights fade away, and the country goes to sleep, that is when my morning alarm buzzes off! It’s not like I don’t sleep at night, it’s just that I have tones of sleepless nights. And that is exactly when I pour my mind out of pieces of paper, filling page after page. At times, I wonder what shall become of these once I’m no longer around. But eventually, writing tires me off, and there come a time when even RedBull don’t give me no wings.

You see, the people here are lunatics by birth. Let’s take my maid, for example. You know how obsession is defined as the excessive love of something/somebody, to a stage where they can’t stop pondering over the said subject, and is considered creepy? Well, my maid takes the word “obsession” to a whole new level of creepy. She is totally caught up the cricket hype. A few nights a week, when I’m up late at night, watching the Champions League play-offs, she’d come to me and ask if she could watch cricket. I mean, cricket over UEFA Champions League? Are you fucking kidding me? Being a hardcore fan of our cricket team, she knows all their players, their birthdays and what the fuck not. She knows so much detail that it sometimes freaks me out. I think the sole thing that keeps her alive is that some well-known cricket player will someday fly out here, swoop here off her feet, and fly off to some other place. I’m not sure, though. I’m just making an assumption, but as far as I’m concerned, the amount of detail my maid has, my assumption seems to be very much valid. Man, I’m through with this maid. I’ve decided that, next thing tomorrow morning, I’m telling mom that it’s either the maid or I that’s leaving the house. But knowing my mom, she might have second thoughts about dismissing the maid, and end up ruling me out. And since I don’t like my odds, I decided it’s best to be silent for a while.

You know, it actually does feel great to be back. Although, I admit, being irregular has decreased my typing top speed. I think my brother has won just one typing speed test against me, and he just won’t shut up about it. I wish he’d stop for once, when he sees me going all tippity-tap on my laptop. Another thing I realized is that most bloggers I know are Pakistani. There’s Sarah Saud from The Turmoils of My Life, Fareeha from "Furree Katt", Shahzaad Ahsan from "Evil", and I think two other people. At first, it felt pretty weird when I didn’t find any blogger from the place I hail from. But then again, I think blogging is pretty Indie, so I don’t blame anybody. However, to all newbie bloggers out there, high five.

Lord Stinson knows how to do it best!
I have a cousin’s birthday party tomorrow, and believe it or not, I haven’t decided what to get him, yet. I was thinking a pair of hi-tops will suffice, but I don’t know where to get an authentic pair of those bad boys. But you know what- it really doesn’t matter. Because, at most of the parties here, I’m alone in a crowded room. Heck, don’t get me wrong. Neither am I emo, nor am I anti-social, it’s just that, I feel there’s a lot missing, and I’ve come to the wrong place. I’m not really sure on how to describe this feeling, but more on that later. Because, as of now, I think this post is getting extremely big. On a parting note, here’s something for the people who feel lost like I do. Always remember, that not all those wander in the wild, are lost.

And if any of you people can, please drop some good songs on the comment section below this post. Cuz, I’m starved of good music atm. And, do not dare to suggest anything from the BillBoard Top 100. Heard, and nailed the lyrics of every single one of them. Okay, maybe not the lyrics.

Peace out, posse.


  1. Welcome back! :)

    You shouldn't be afraid to write about anything on your blog. After all, that's how you get more people to take interest in you and your writing. I barely hide anything from my followers and I'm not afraid to make fun of myself, haha. NOW POST ABOUT YOUR CRUSH!!!

    "But, as the night falls, the city lights fade away, and the country goes to sleep, that is when my morning alarm buzzes off! It’s not like I don’t sleep at night, it’s just that I have tones of sleepless nights. And that is exactly when I pour my mind out of pieces of paper, filling page after page."

    ^ THAT was beautiful.

    I LOL-ed at your maid. That is so funny. I don't think my maid knows how cricket is even played, let alone any of our players.

    I know how it feels like to move somewhere else! Uprooting from a place you're happy and comfortable in is always hard.

    What did you end up getting your cousin?

    Write more soon, don't ever stop. You're a great writer, however PLEASE ease up with the millions of fonts on your page haha.

    Take care!

    p.s. you still have my full name in your post.

  2. 1. You got my blog name wrong bro. Thankyou sooo much for the mention XD I love all your blogs


    2. Check this out XD

  3. Fariha, like I said, a post about my first crush would be too much info. And as you'll see, I removed the surname, as well as changed the font. Oh, and I got my cousin a watch.

    And Sarah, yeah, I remember. :P Man, it's confusing when you change the name of your blog AND the URL. -_- But, thanks anyways. :D


Because it means something to me.