Sunday, December 23, 2012

Difficult at just 5 months

It was just 5 months ago, when we decided to come here. Tonight, we fly back to Riyadh.

Never thought I'd hear myself say it, but damn, I'm going to miss Dhaka a lot.

I know, after reading the last line, many people may go like, "He has got to be joking." Well, in all honesty, I am not. Even though tonnes of Bangladeshis often claim that they will never miss Bangladesh no matter how long they are away from it. They claim to be citizens of the country they live after being an immigrant for like just 3 years, or something. It's not that I'm really patriotic, but come on, Dhaka isn't all that bad they way our "American" Bangladeshis make it seem to be.

First up, I'm so going to miss fuchka. It's one of those street-delights sold by vendors on many a street in Dhaka.

The small cup in the middle contains a sweet condiment.
It may not have the best appeal, but it packs quite some amazement. But then again, there are people who have the idea that fuchka is the food that tastes the "best in the world". Well, people like that may, in fact, mislead you, and you're given something less than you expected. It happens, at times. Happened to me, tonnes of times.

Man, I've been to a lot of parties in my life. But here's the thing: I've never been to one like the ones that take place here. It's crazy out here, literally. Our Victory Day, when was on the 16th of this month, was when I've witnessed such a thing. There was this kick ass party, but the streets of Dhaka was even prettier. Every city has it's popular hang-out spots, and it is at these places where hot chicks flooded the area. Some were single, and on the lookout. Others strolled in with their partners, for making up, breaking up or, building up. And the rest? Well, the others were just street vendors selling nuts to add the crunch. However, there was something common in all these places. There were flags everywhere. And, yes, it did look nice. Kinda.

See what I meant?
Dhaka, like any other place, has it's ups and downs. Down, for the most part. But, I'm happy with the little good part it has, because let's face it, no matter wherever on Earth I hail from, a little part of me is this place. So yes, it's nothing weird to like it. I did my last minute shopping today, and for the first time, I took an amazing picture.

The rotunda of Bashundhara Shopping Mall.

You know, a lot of single jobless guys often turn up at Bashundhara Shopping Mall just to hit on the hot chicks there. Well, I'll miss the hot chicks here as well. No joke.

Oh, and this will be my last post here, because within the next few hours, I will make my way to the airport. Next stop, Abu Dhabi. And then, Riyadh. I'll post again, once I settle my ass there.

For some reason, I do not wish to leave this place. On the other hand, I cannot wait to go back to Riyadh. It's the strangest dilemma I've been ever hit with.

Yet, strangely, leaving Dhaka has becoming difficult for me at just 5 months.

Later, people!


  1. Aw. Look on the bright side, at least you didn't completely hate your experience there. You can always look back and be thankful for the memories rather than wish to forget them.


  2. I know the feeling of having to leave something great, even though I know its for the better. Like when my aunt leaves Karachi for the States, after a visit. Or when I left Islamabad for Karachi, after staying there for a couple of years. Its not okay, but all those things make you realize how you can't be everywhere at the same time, yet feel so attached to things so far away. That's life.

  3. Furree, I loved my experiences here, and hate is just of question. And, LOL, Puchka sounds so funny. xD

    Adeena, yeah, I wish the "being at two places at once" was possible. :c Plus, I don't know how the next year's going to be, since I'll come back here after 4 months, and then move to the UK for uni. If this is tough for me to handle, I have no idea how to face the upcoming things. :e


Because it means something to me.