Thursday, December 20, 2012

Return Ticket

Hi, insane earthlings.

So, tomorrow's the Apocalypse, right? In the event of something horrible ACTUALLY happening, I've got nothing to worry about. I have already got myself covered. I made a sledge that is run by a pack of wolves, two Russian Dragunov snipers, and a cheesecake. Because, cheesecake is love. By the way, tomorrow, I'll put up a post where I make a list of things I do throughout the day, as I wait for something to hit us. If I don't post by 10pm- Dhaka time, please pay your last respects to my beautiful corpse.

Okay, enough with the Apocalyptic crap. 'Cause whenever someone comes up with something as such, my reaction to it is somewhat like this:

Sheldon Cooper = Awesome
I know, how ironic.

Man, I watched the Champions League draws today. And being a Real Madrid fan, I was very, very disappointed. We have to play Manchester United to get through into the QF. They aren't exactly the Great Wall of China, but they aren't one to beat easily, either. Plus, Cristiano Ronaldo has to play at Old Trafford, his former home. Like that isn't enough- most of us Madrid fans are counting on CR7 to give us that winning goal against his former club- the club that has made him the Cristiano Ronaldo he is today.However, I found a comforting stat: Real Madrid has progressed in three of their four European Cup ties against Manchester United, while coach Jose Mourinho has won six and lost just two of 14 previous games against the Red Devils in all competitions.


As many of you might know, I've been watching a lot of Hindi movies/ listening to Hindi music ever since I moved here. And THAT is why many people have told me that I have "changed". Like, not in a good way, because honestly, I did not like the tone. After that, I stopped sharing Hindi stuff, but man I watched this one movie, and I couldn't help but share a particular song from the movie soundtrack. It is from the movie- Talaash. An incredible story, may I say. And if any of you wish to watch, let me hit you up with the ultimate spoiler. Kareena Kapoor is a dead hooker who died 3 years before the story time frame, and her soul still wanders the earth. There you go, movie spoiled. Anyway, here's the song:

Jee Le Zara- Talaash

Moving on, mom told me today that I had to go and confirm our flight reservations. Yes, I'm finally going back to Riyadh. So, I called this cousin of mine Zubair, and we went to the Saudi Airlines head office here. It was near a place called Farmgate, and believe me, that place is ALWAYS crowded. Oh, you have to know how I met Zubair. Much like our family, his family lived abroad for most of Zubair's upbringing. They moved in here from Kuwait a month before I showed up. So since this dude had a bit of Middle Eastern blood running in his veins, I figured that we would kick it off. And sure enough, we did. However, the first time we met was something like this:

His dad invited us over. So, when we were there, his elder sister took me to his room, where he was having a jamming sesh with his friends. Now, the general idea is when you're outside a room where a jamming sesh is in progress, you'll hear something. Like, the sound of a bass chord, or whatever. But let me tell you, man- I DID NOT HEAR SHIT. It was almost as if I've lost my hearing. Till date, I don't know how something like that happened, nor have I asked. However, we made good friends, and over time, I came to know a lot about him. First up, he's a total stoner. They say being friends with a stoner will eventually make you one, but since I've vowed to never light the grass again, I think I'm on the safe side. However, I'll give you this- Pot will give you super powers, and an immense amount of wisdom- for the time being, though. Anyways, stoner or not, Zubair never fails to crack me up. And that's because, at times, he has this attitude where he pretends to be all ghetto and shit- despite being a privileged teenager. Often time, I picture him as this:

Honestly, you're too fat for a thug.
Next up, he had a pretty girlfriend, but man, her personality was really weird. Speaking of the word "weird", this picture came into my mind.

I always had a massive, massive, massive crush on Lily Aldrin. ♥ 
Okay, so his girlfriend. I agree, she was undeniably "do-able", but that bad a personality, man?

Man, I've moved too far out! Where was I? Oh yes, Saudi Airlines HQ. We reach the help desk, and inquire who to go to for flight reservations confirmation. The dude at the help desk accompanies to a room, where we were supposed to wait for some officer. Anyways, we wait, and the dude finally turns up. We talk for a while, and after some time, he tells me that my visa is not valid. Now, if there was anything I was completely sure about, it would be my visa being valid. This guy was obviously playing some mind shit with me, and I was ready to raise some hell. My cousin was all big-eyed, and had a jawdrop, cause I mean, I usually speak up loud. I was NOT going to let anything ruin my flight back to Riyadh. I was flipping out, and for the officer on the pother side of the desk, I was just another brick in the wall.

A few minutes later, I decided it'd be best to kick back, and play my cards carefully. Because, in places like these, people will always fuck with you. Play your cards right, and you'll hit the peak even before you know it. Play them wrong, and you'll be dead even before you hit the floor. So, anyways, I think this is the first time when I have produced every legal document I have, and not left something back home. And surely, I was successful in swinging the scales to my favour. I finally laid my hands on my return ticket.



  1. That was a good one. :D

  2. Thank you. :D

    I checked out both your blogs. And to be completely honest, I liked your previous blog more. :P

    And btw, your profile says you live in KSA. OMG, WHERE? :O

    1. Oh, you liked the previous one more? Nevermind. :P
      Oh and thank you. :D

      Yes, I live in KSA. You live here too? :/

  3. Haha, mention not. :P

    And yes, I live in Riyadh! You live in the same city, or elsewhere? :O


Because it means something to me.