Tuesday, December 25, 2012


So, I came home today at 2 am.

And immediately, I jumped on my beloved bed. Man, I was tired as fuck. I've been in 3 countries in the last 24 hours for heaven's sake.

I went to school this morning to meet up with some of my friends. Like you know, catching up and shit. And I shit you not, but I kept laughing for the WHOLE time. I've never laughed like this in a very long time. We talked about our future and shit, and believe me, THAT was the funniest part. It's weird because most people would consider talking about what the future holds is a pretty dope topic. So anyways, we were talking about what it would be like, if we all scatter ourselves for uni, and then have a reunion after the next 5 years. That is what it went like, well sort of:

Me: Dude, after 5 years or something, we should have a reunion.
Jehad: No worries, man. We'll have reunions every fucking day.
Me: *Confused*
Hamad: None of us are making any progress in the next 5 years, that's what he meant.


Also, I heard the funniest love story today. It's the story of my friend Jehad, and some Paki chick named Lamia. And, I'm so writing a blogpost about it. I can't wait to put it up, man.

Check this track out. It's a mixyure of dubstep and violin. And, it is beautiful. So is Lindsey Stirling, the artist. ♥

Talk about beautiful music.

Oh, and you may never believe this, but LINDSEY STIRLING BLOGS AS WELL. Visit her blog HERE.

Alright, since I'm jettlagged to the max, I'll go get myself some sleep now. I'll post again sometime in the next week.

K, bye.

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