Monday, December 31, 2012

Farewell, Twenty Twelve.

Just a few more more rounds on that clock on your wall, and Ka Boom! 2012 is over.

Man, I don't know about you lot, but here 2012 has been one hell of a year for me. There's a buttload of stuff that has taken up the whole of this year, and well, that is what this post is about. All that went down this year- everything.

Towards the end of December 2011, when all the folks were waiting for 2012 to come around, making new year's resolutions and shit, I figured that I had to be a normal human being, and fit in the picture. So, I decided to make my resolutions for the year of 2012. Now, as many of you may know, I love junk food. I mean, who doesn't, right? You'd be crazy not to love it! So my resolution for 2012?

Cut down on junkies.

Like that was ever gonna work, HA! Sure enough, there I was, on like the 3rd of January itself, stuffing my mouth with pepperoni pizza, and swallowing it down with Pepsi. There you go, resolutions- Crash and burn! Even though I failed to keep up to my new year's resolutions, I did learn a very important lesson. Never make any resolutions for the upcoming year. It is some  pointless shit people come up with, which, deep down they know, will not be able to keep up to.

Okay, since it was just the start of the year 2012, I was hoping to stay away from studying. Sadly, that was out of bounds, and that was because I was writing my A Level starter units, and hence, the "new year" excuse was no good. I had no time to waste, because I stepped into this trap myself. So this on the very first day of the year, I was on my laptop, studying. I got extremely bored, so I took a minute or two, and then an idea hit me. And that idea gave birth to a blog. THIS BLOG. Yes, my blog is the result of extreme boredom, and crushing A Level pressure. Back then, my blog used to go by the name of "My Life: As Marzoukeh", which was a really dumb name. A really dumb one, but alas, it didn't catch my eye for long. Dumbfuck, I am.

Anyways, one of my friends called Hamad- his birthday was coming up on the 28th of January. Now, let me tell you something about Hamad. This guy is the mother of the craziest ideas, and I think I am the only guy in our group of friends who decided to go on board with his shit. This time, what he had in store was to not celebrate his birthday now, and to celebrate it together with mine, and another friend's birthday.

So, here's the thing:

Hamad's birthday: 28th January.
My birthday: 24th February.
Naeem's birthday: 10th March.

Since February was in the middle, that's when we decided to throw the party. The three of us paid up, and threw the most kickass birthday party, ever. I repeat, the most kickass birthday party. Here are a few pictures from the amazing night.

Hamad, the crazy motherfucker
The author of this blog
Probably the next hacker to hired by the CIA
So, yeah. That's the three of us. Next up, pictures from throughout the night.

We planned to rent a Hummer H2, and buy half a kilo of...oh well, marijuana. Well sadly, none of that happened. But believe it or not, it was still amazing.. We were atop Faisaliah Tower, this awesome skyscraper on the face of Riyadh. And up there, it was scary as shit, windy as hell, and awesome as fuck. Of course at the end of the night, there was heavenly food.

Outback Steakhouse. Because like I said, heavenly food.

Awaiting the food.

Group Photo #1

Group Photo #2
The fast food guru
Everyone was supposed to be doing crazy faces, but, oh well...

Naeem, and Tariq
Probably stoned
Group Photo #3

There are a lot of remaining pictures, but whatever.

I miss this day, man. However, there is but one thing that I regret about this party. We didn't invite Shafiq, Raju, Shawkat, and Minhaz, because we weren't really all that close to them. Had I known that we'd become such good friends this year, I'd have invited them straight up.


Well, all that fun took me away from the exams. Because, honestly speaking, I did not like the way I wrote my January session papers. They ranged from mediocre to trash.

And, that brings us to sometime around March. Amir, the "fast food guru" pictured above, had to move out of Riyadh, with his family. The night before his flight back home, there was this huge ass party to be attended by everyone in Riyadh. And sure enough, my friends and I showed up at the party for a last encounter with Amir. We gave him his farewell memento, and well, that was the end of it.

Anyways, moving on. If anyone of you is a student who is spellbound under some vodoo by a with named "A Levels", you know how tough this shit can be to deal with. What I'm getting at, is the fact that I had exams coming up on the May June session. And by this time, it was already April. I really needed to step my game up, and hit those books harder, because let's face it: I was never on good terms with Edexcel. I smack that bitch, the bitch smacks me back. That's how it goes. By the time, May came along, another friend of ours, Tariq, had to leave. His residency permit expired, and the Saudi Jawazat wouldn't renew it, and hence leaving the country was the only solution. Now, this Tariq dude, I knew him since I was a breastfed infant, literally. He used to be our neighbour, and I think he's the first guy I talked to when I joined BISES. So you see, I really didn't want him to leave this early. Anyways, what's bound to happen, will happen. So, like any sane bunch of people, we hangout with Tariq for the final time. We didn't really have a game plan, so it was pretty much random shit. We had "pani puri", at some Pakistani place, and I think we even planned to have "Kashmiri Chai", which happens to be one of Tariq's favourites. So anyway, we goof around the city, have "The Last Supper" at Fuddruckers, and go back to goofing around, again.

Tariq, with his trademark pedophile smile.
Trying to look "casual"

Talk to the "finger" 
Idk why he had the duckface on

Being weird, inside the ride
Le White Boy

Our very last group photo
Next afternoon, Tariq lands in Dhaka.

Now that the exams have creeped in very close to us, it was time for some serious studying. Throughout this year, no matter whatever was happening, one thing was always on my mind. Now that we were in senior year, and we were about to graduate high school just after the May June session, these were our final moments as BISES students. It may not be the best school out there, but heck, this place was mighty close to heart.

Moving on, we finally get done with our A Level exams, and finally, the time to graduate high school had come. Prior to grad night, the selection for valedictorian had been going on. Three girls, and one guy had to be chosen. And then, when I learned that I was going to be the only guy valedictorian, let me tell you, I was KNOCKED. OUT. COLD.

I mean, yeah, quite a few people told me that I can pull such stuff off, but this- to write a speech, deliver it in front of all the senior year students, their parents, the junior year hosts, the teachers, the goddamn principal, some God forsaken Bangladeshi politician, and a few dickheads from the Consulate? This was next level shit, man.

I was super nervous about my speech, so I called a very close friend, Urmi, and asked her if it was good enough. She said it was great, but I'm sure it was to make me feel better. If any of you would like to read my speech, HERE it is.

Here's a shoutout to Urmi, who is currently on her flight to Malaysia, to join university. Text me when you land, bitch.

Oh, and a few pictures from grad? Coming your way!

That awesome moment ♥
Naeem, and Adnan
That's us!
Me, delivering that speech.
I didn't even taste the cake. It was mostly cake-fighting xD
A few of the hosts
The smartest kid in class
Shawkat, and I

Sameeha, and Mina
My baby sister
Ifte, and Mina
Choosing a chick to hit on
Sameeha, Me, Amal, and Hamad
Okay, that's enough.

A week after grad, I went to Dhaka. And, I think I've kept you updated throughout my stay there.

And, all this brings us to today.

My watch says 12.00 am, on the dot. May 2013 bring a lot of happiness, joy, and success for all of you.

Happy New Year, folks. ♥

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