Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Lunacy At It's Level Best

I think the title says it all.

Elongated periods of absolutely nothing to do has led me to this. I even tried manufacturing medical grade marijuana, but to no avail. So, I turned to my blog, to rant about my life, the people I live with, you name it.

This morning I woke up to the splash of cold water, courtesy of my brother. It wasn't morning, anyways. I didn't have lunch, because I didn't feel like. So over time, I became hungry.

I was walking around Dhanmondi today to see if I could find any good fast food- KSA standard. While I was at it, I stumbled onto a very old friend. We went way back, that honestly speaking, it was hard pocking up where we last parted ways. So, we talk for while, exchange numbers, and part ways, which brings me back to the lookout for food. And let me tell you, when you're used to having awesome food, low humidity levels- only a few moths of the total opposite can bring you to a place where you're just a stone's throw from being a thirsty bloodhound. Believe me, I'll never take the food at Fuddruckers for granted ever again. Like, ever again.

The Works- Fuddruckers. <3
Truth be told, I'd kill to eat at Outback one more time. I'm not a major foodie, but NOTHING comes between me and my food. Since I was unprepared to go cold turkey, I settled for Nandos. I buy some stuff for my family, and head home. Turns out that a few cousins showed up. So, I sent our maid to Nandos again to grab enough food for the lot.

The "hi-hello" episode ended, and we play Call Bridge for I don't know how long, since most of my cousins are born "juwaris". After losing all 3 rounds, someone realizes that Nadia, a cousin of mine wasn't anywhere around. Turns out that she was in my room, headbanging to PSY's "Gangnam Style", which is weird. I mean, headbanging to Kpop, is like breakdancing to Thrash metal, and I think we all know how wrong that is.

See, that's a perfect example of the bullshit that I go through, in my place. Not the greatest Harry Potter fan out there, but now would absolutely be the best time to receive my Hogwarts invitation.

Here's some good music for you people:

Hit and Run- Breathe Carolina

Ever since my dad left Dhaka, my mom has become quite your average business-woman. You see, it was always who took care of the family business, the paperwork, the bank accounts, the deals- all that crap. Now that he's back in Riyadh, it's my mom steering the ship. And I tell you, beloved readers, some women are straight up dumb. I mean, don't get me wrong, I adore women. It's just that they lose their brains when they got a lot of something, for instance, money.

Let's take my mother for example. After she took the business into her hands, to everyone's surprise, she scored a really good deal, and made quite a good profit. Now let me tell you, if I was on the receiving end of that deal, the first thing I'd do, is book a first class ticket to Switzerland, book an luxurious suite at the Hilton Geneve, and tour the Alps. I'd blow any remaining cash on Eminem and David Guetta shows. See, that would have been an amazing way to "utilize" the money. But no, what my mom had in my mind was to open...no wait, that is not enough build up.

She planned to open a CLOTHING LINE.

I mean, what fresh hell is this? Clothing line? I'd rather give away all the cash to Jaago Foundation, which would be a better way to blow the money. The reason being, you have no idea what the Jaago volunteers will do for money. Believe me, my cousin is a volunteer- I know what I'm talking about.

That's my volunteering cousin, Rafi, selling roses on the streets of Dhaka.
So, that's what they do, gather girls and dudes, and send them all around the capital, selling roses. Once, I was on a rickshaw, and I was stuck in traffic. A while later, one of these Jaago guys come up to me, and ask me if I want a rose. It was a guy, so it was downright awkward.

Anyways, going back, I told my mom that it was the second dumbest idea she's ever had, with the dumbest idea being giving birth to my brother. Oh brother, if you ever decide to read my blog, know that I don't hate you, but mom's idea to have you was dumb, nonetheless.

So, I tell my brother about this clothing line bullcrap mom had thought up. And sure enough, it was like, he had laughed any harder.

Mom could've made better plans, but I don't really blame her, because she always seems to get carried away. I asked my brother to keep his ears open, and sharp eyes on mom, so that she doesn't end up telling anyone about this. The reason behind me assigning this task to my brother is that not only does this dude have his rock hard ears glued to every wall of our house, but also to the very streets. If there was anyone who could dig up any dirt, it had to be this dude. But alas, he never came up with any hard hitting news.

Man, I'm so done with my family.

Also, please lookout for my apocalyptic post, which is coming out on the 21st of this month. Not a believer of the Mayans, but I'll be there to make fun. Meanwhile, let us all wait for the 12/12/12 posts on the internet.



  1. I miss Burger King! :( it's so unfair. I liked Fuddruckers too. BUT BURGER KING :(

    I cannot imagine anyone headbanging to Gangnam Style. It's just... wrong. It doesn't FIT!!! What did your cousin have to say for herself when you discovered her doing that?

    Omg, a clothing line. That is so funny. I don't blame your mum, all women believe that there is profit to be made in the clothing business. However she could have just saved all that money in the back and received interest every month, that way you guys would have no problems, EVER. But in any case, I wish her all the best!

    The picture of your cousin seems to be a still from some cheesy romantic movie. That being said, I still think the concept of volunteering and selling roses is pretty cool and unique.

    LOL! Anyone who posts "12/12/12 12:12" online DESERVES to die, apocalypse or not :P

    Awesome post, as usual. You're too funny!

  2. Burger King. :O Man, I miss all of it, but Fuddruckers- it was euphoria. :c

    My cousins are unbelievably weird, so you see, they can get away with stuff like that, without an explanation.

    HAHA, Rafi's picture! I have a few other weird pictures of him volunteering, he'd kill me if he saw this. xD

    And thank you. <3 Not returning the favor, but you're massively hilarious, as well. :D


Because it means something to me.